Shival Gupta

Total 130 Posts

A Cambrian Explosion of Crypto Proofs

January 08, 2020. This post is for folks with some background in cryptography. It surveys the expanding crypto-verse of proof systems and the role of symmetric STARKs within. Based on a talk delivered in San Francisco in November 2019. Written by ELI BEN-SASSON - Originally...
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Bitcoin becomes the Flag of Technology

January 03, 2020. Bitcoin represents the explicit encoding of previously implicit values of the tech community. It's not just software — it is a Schelling point and a symbol. As such, it will become widely recognized as the flag of technology over the course of the...
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A beginner's guide to DeFi

January 03, 2020. Decentralized finance, also referred to as “DeFi” or open finance, aims to recreate traditional financial systems (such as lending, borrowing, derivatives, and exchange) with automation in place of middlemen. Once fully automated, the financial building blocks of DeFi can be composed to...
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What will happen to cryptocurrency in the 2020s

January 04, 2020. Yesterday I recapped the last decade in crypto. Today, let’s look ahead to the future and what I think will happen in the 2020s. Of course, no one can predict the future with much accuracy, but one way to predict it...
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The Great Race to Crypto Banking

January 2nd, 2020. Crypto exchanges and their competitors are racing to adopt, -and ultimately democratize- financial services known from legacy finance. The three low hanging fruits are (1) interest accounts, (2) payments, and (3) tax services. Because of the low switching cost for customers, this...
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Remaking the bank for an ecosystem world

October 2017. Global banking-industry performance has been lackluster. Now comes the hard part: the rise of nonbanking platform companies targeting the most profitable parts of the banking value chain. Written By Miklós Dietz, Matthieu Lemerle, Asheet Mehta, Joydeep Sengupta, and Nicole Zhou - Originally published...
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What’s holding Embedded Finance back?

November 21, 2019. Embedded Finance is still in its very early days with growth ahead for the industry.We asked attendees at the Embedded Conference what one hurdle needs to be cleared in order to maximize growth.Written by MICHAEL DELEON - Originally published at...
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